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Debbie H.’s Story of Recovery from Ampullary and Liver Cancer Using Alternative Treatment

By June 26, 2024No Comments1 min read

Debbie's rare Ampullary and Liver Cancer was completely gone after just six weeks of treatment, proving that there is always hope.

Debbie H.’s Story of Recovery from Ampullary and Liver Cancer Using Alternative Treatment

“The cancer clinic in Mexico Saved My Life and I Hope they Can Help You Too.”

On March 14th, Debbie was diagnosed with a rare type of Ampullary and Liver Cancer. Her doctors told her that her diagnosis was essentially a death sentence. After some extensive research, Debbie discovered the clinic online and decided it was worth a shot. She started an alternative treatment for liver cancer at the clinic on May 1st and was blown away by the amazing staff and their dedication to helping people with seemingly hopeless diagnoses. After only just 6 weeks of treatment, Debbie’s liver cancer was completely gone! Because of this, her oncologist in California was then able to put together a treatment plan to remove the ampullary cancer so she could get on with her life completely cancer-free. “I’m here to tell you if you have cancer and have been given a diagnosis that makes you feel like there is no hope, there is hope!”

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