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Lung and Bronchus CancerSuccess Stories

Arthur R.’s Story of Recovery from Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Using Holistic Treatment

By June 22, 2024June 24th, 2024No Comments1 min read

Arthur's Stage 3A Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer is in remission, and he is now a passionate advocate for alternative cancer treatments

Arthur R.’s Story of Recovery from Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Using Holistic Treatment

Arthur, a California resident and Master of Science and Nursing, was diagnosed with Stage 3A Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Arthur, who has spent most of his life caring for others through the field of nursing, never thought he would be the one requiring extensive medical attention. With so much knowledge in the medical field, Arthur had his doubts about seeking cancer care in another country. “I was surprised at the professionalism, quality of care, and dedication all the staff had towards each and every patient. Totally shocked and very much pleased.” Since receiving treatment at the cancer clinic in Mexico, Arthur is thrilled to be in remission. One of his main goals in life is to see his grandkids grow up. He plans to do everything he can to achieve that goal. Unfortunately, he has seen many of his loved ones struggle with cancer. However, his positive experience with the clinic has made him a loyal advocate, wholeheartedly recommending the clinic to those he holds dear for state-of-the-art medical care.

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