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Breast CancerSuccess Stories

Karla L.’s Story of Recovery from Metastatic Breast Cancer Using Non-Invasive Treatment

By June 17, 2024No Comments1 min read

Karla's determination and the clinic's excellent service helped her beat Stage IV metastatic breast cancer and regain her independence

Karla L

Karla, from Riverside, CA, battled Stage IV metastatic breast cancer with unwavering determination. Despite her initial disbelief at her deteriorating health, she found hope in a cancer clinic in Mexico. Choosing the clinic for treatment in May 2013, Karla harbored high hopes. She pressed on despite her son’s reservations. From day one, the clinic impressed her with excellent service and an uplifting atmosphere. Emphasizing the non-invasive nature of the treatments and their commitment to results, she said, “You will always know where you stand and where your condition stands.” After three weeks of treatment in Mexico, she went home and faithfully followed the home care health plan. Before she knew it, her external tumors on the left side of her breast healed, marking a significant victory on her journey. Karla has since cast aside her oxygen tank and bid farewell to her wheelchair. Though challenges persist, she’s regained her independence and the joy of breathing freely.

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